Re-defining Career Journeys

Monday Joining brings together candidates and hiring professionals on an open-book platform!

Monday Joining is ‘Beyond Job Descriptions’. Monday Joining was brought to life with the Covid-19 pandemic accelerating its impact on employment, where thousands of people were losing jobs for no fault of theirs. The platform is developed to bridge the gap between the right candidate and an immediate recruiter. Bringing together immediate hiring for professionals who can join a role within 0-14 days after an offer is made, Monday Joining aims at saving time and money for everyone - candidates and recruiters alike.

Dynamic in nature, Monday Joining favors candidates actively seeking jobs and are up for instant hiring. Today, recruiters are struggling just as much as candidates seeking a good avenue. Pursuing a candidate, interviewing, and finally waiting for them to join asks for major investment and trust. We want to assure that no effort goes wasted. Now recruiters can pick-up profiles who match the talent and skills they require, conduct an interview and have candidates on-board in 14 days or less. The platform assures minimal to no effort to find the right candidate. You can reach out to candidates almost instantly.

We Are A Step Beyond Regular Job Descriptions


Dynamic Resume and Talent Pool


Only Candidates with Immediate Availability


Positive Ranking Based on Offers Accepted

What’s more... Monday Joining is FREE!

As we said, we want to address the problem not capitalize it!

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